

1. 普通茶饮价格保持不变


2. 特色茶饮价格有所调整



1. 套餐价格调整


2. 套餐内容丰富



1. 调整原因





2. 调整意义














SPA,源自拉丁文“Solus Per Aquam”,意为“通过水的方法”。SPA起源于古希腊,距今已有两千多年的历史。经过漫长的发展,SPA逐渐成为了一种集养生、美容、休闲于一体的健康生活方式。如今,SPA已成为全球流行的健康养生方式之一。



1. 环境优美:杭州SPA大多选址于风景秀丽的景区,如西湖、西溪湿地等,让您在享受服务的同时,尽享大自然的美丽风光。

2. 技术精湛:杭州SPA技师技艺精湛,手法娴熟,为您提供专业的服务。从足底按摩、背部疏通到头部指压,全方位为您缓解疲劳。

3. 文化底蕴:杭州SPA融合了当地的文化元素,如茶道、香薰等,让您在享受服务的同时,感受浓厚的文化氛围。

4. 设施齐全:杭州SPA设施齐全,包括汤泉SPA、影院式足道、自助茶点、文化交流等,满足您多样化的需求。



1. 帕卡城市艺术酒店7楼梵尘涧影院足道SPA:现仅99元享梵·云水足道70分钟;209元享依兰甜梦SPA70分钟。无需预约,即可享受殿堂级足浴。

2. 程千里柔时第三空间SPA:感受无限广阔的空间,激发灵感、启迪思维。前厅极具艺术性的旋转楼梯,挑高空间令人感受自由流动的空气。

3. 杭州纽斯洗浴SPA:在dy直播间团券,价格实惠。拥有女汤、桑拿房、休息区、书吧、电影区、电竞区等设施,满足您的各种需求。


1. 提前预约:由于免费试享活动人数众多,建议提前预约,以免错过。

2. 穿着舒适:SPA中心环境优雅,建议穿着宽松舒适的衣物。

3. 保持良好心态:SPA是一种放松身心的方式,保持良好心态,享受服务。

4. 注意卫生:使用公共设施时,注意个人卫生,确保健康。






1. 环境优美,远离喧嚣


2. 仪式感十足,尊享尊贵体验




1. 瑞典按摩:通过轻柔的抚触、揉捏、拍打等手法,促进血液循环,缓解肌肉紧张,让您在舒适中享受身心的放松。

2. 深层组织按摩:运用较深层次的按摩手法,深入肌肉组织,缓解深层肌肉紧张,改善肌肉僵硬,促进身体恢复。

3. 泰式按摩:融合了瑜伽、中医、指压等元素,通过按摩师的手法,调整人体的气血,缓解身心疲劳,达到保健养生的效果。



1. 汤品:选用优质食材,精心熬制而成的汤品,具有滋补养生、美容养颜的功效。

2. 素食:以新鲜蔬菜、水果为主料,搭配合理的烹饪方法,让您在品尝美食的同时,保持身体健康。








1. 了解最新桑拿资讯:论坛实时更新杭州及周边地区的桑拿资讯,包括桑拿会所推荐、优惠活动、桑拿设备介绍等,让你轻松掌握桑拿行业动态。

2. 分享桑拿心得:在这里,你可以分享自己的桑拿体验,交流桑拿技巧,让更多人了解桑拿的好处。

3. 交流桑拿文化:桑拿作为一种文化,论坛互动交流区为大家提供了一个交流的平台,让桑拿爱好者共同探讨桑拿文化。

4. 寻找志同道合的朋友:在论坛互动交流区,你可以结识到更多桑拿爱好者,一起享受桑拿带来的乐趣。


1. 丰富多样的交流主题:论坛互动交流区设有多个版块,涵盖桑拿资讯、桑拿心得、桑拿文化、桑拿交友等,满足不同爱好者的需求。

2. 专业团队运营:论坛由一群热爱桑拿的年轻人组成,他们致力于为用户提供最优质的服务,确保论坛氛围和谐、健康。

3. 严谨的审核制度:为确保论坛内容的健康、正能量,论坛实行严格的审核制度,禁止发布违规、低俗、虚假信息。

4. 定期举办线下活动:为了增进桑拿爱好者的交流,论坛定期举办线下活动,如桑拿体验、品茶交友等,让会员们亲身体验桑拿文化。


1. 传播桑拿文化:论坛互动交流区作为一个桑拿爱好者的聚集地,有助于传播桑拿文化,让更多人了解桑拿、爱上桑拿。

2. 提升会员满意度:通过互动交流,会员们可以更好地了解桑拿行业动态,选择适合自己的桑拿会所,提高满意度。

3. 促进桑拿行业健康发展:论坛互动交流区作为一个第三方平台,有助于桑拿行业规范经营,提高服务质量。






















1. 独特的装修风格


2. 多样的汗蒸项目


3. 优质的服务


4. 舒适的体验



1. 汗蒸前不宜进食过多,以免影响汗蒸效果。

2. 汗蒸过程中,如感到不适,应立即停止,并告知服务人员。

3. 汗蒸后,不宜立即洗澡,应稍作休息,待身体恢复正常后再洗。

4. 汗蒸后,应多喝水,补充流失的水分。


1. 促进新陈代谢:汗蒸可以加速血液循环,促进新陈代谢,帮助身体排出毒素。

2. 改善皮肤状况:汗蒸有助于改善皮肤状况,使皮肤更加光滑、有弹性。

3. 缓解疲劳:汗蒸可以缓解肌肉疲劳,消除疲劳感。

4. 提高免疫力:汗蒸有助于提高免疫力,增强身体抵抗力。









1. 干蒸:通过高温干燥的蒸汽,使人体毛孔充分张开,排出体内毒素,达到强身健体的效果。

2. 湿蒸:在湿润的蒸汽环境中,有助于舒缓肌肉、消除疲劳,使人体得到放松。

3. 雾蒸:雾蒸桑拿具有独特的养生效果,可以促进血液循环,增强免疫力。



1. 普通温泉池:适合全家大小一同泡汤,享受天伦之乐。

2. 功能温泉池:针对不同人群的健康需求,设有多种功能温泉池,如:温泉浴池、温泉按摩池、温泉泥疗池等。







Just when Gao Cai was directly away from the overall situation, a sharp light suddenly came out of heaven. This brilliance was accompanied by the light of poor stars, as if hundreds of millions of stars were wrapped in a blink of an eye and hit the heaven, breaking all the magic circles and directly bombing Gao Cai.

Looking at the striking through the Daqian State Temple, the stars are high and the eyes are cold. With a slight stroke in the hand, the power of Daqian State Temple instantly breaks the brilliance in front of you, and the circle is also protected layer by layer to make up for the damaged circle again.
Suddenly, there was a shock in the Nantianmen, and layers of brilliance shone in the hall of the great country. In this brilliance, there was a feeling of hiding. I couldn’t help but look up and see a gray mirror in the Nantianmen.
"What a magic mirror!"
High-caliber people look at the pure sunshine thunder sea violently, and the pure sunshine thunder water slowly gathers and turns into a purple flash, and it is smashed into the demon mirror in the temple of the country.
Split the nine gods in Zhonghao Tianxian Tower, and the nine apertures carry purple flashes and hit the demon mirror hard. Suddenly, several cracks appeared on the mirror.
It was in this crack that a giant axe made of pure gold suddenly flew out and chopped hard. In the middle of chopping, the whole axe suddenly burst into a golden vortex and suddenly entangled the temple of the country.
Chapter four hundred and forty-nine Return to the market
In the face of the golden vortex, the Great Hall of the Country first swelled violently to open the golden vortex and turn it into mustard. At the same time, a purple Lei Guang split the golden axe directly in the vortex.
As soon as the Daqian State Hall came out, a star Guanghua flashed across again. This time, several stars in the more powerful Guanghua collapsed, and terrorist forces were directly drawn on the temple surface, once again breaking the road array.
Fortunately, Gao Cai was prepared, and Lei Guang was woven into a thunder light net to block this attack, and with the help of this attack, it brought great anti-seismic force and flew out of the worse.
At this time, Gao Cai also saw that the Queen Mother was so angry that she reached out and grabbed a huge handprint from the virtual seal. After this big handprint appeared, Gao Cai suddenly felt that all the places around the temple were imprisoned.
When he was imprisoned, a flame hammer was smashed from the worse gate. Behind the flame hammer was a golden sword wheel, which constantly exuded powerful shock wave.
Moreover, with this attack, it seems that more and more immortals are gathering to kill Gao Cai with their magical powers.
This makes Gao Cai have to mobilize the strength of the Ministry to leave here quickly. Once he is trapped in the encirclement, he can’t resist the whole heaven alone.
When the Daqian State Temple is severely shaken, it will crack the cracks in the tunnel, and at the same time, a large white millstone will rumble out at the limit of blurring. It is a magic weapon to grind all and attack into pure Tai Su gas.
Soon, Daqian State Hall went directly into the virtual space and wanted to go directly from the virtual space to the golden cicada to hide the golden body and return to the market.
Just when Daqian State Temple was drilled into the void, it was suddenly bounced out. Suddenly, a strange fragrance hung over the world, which made people feel refreshed. In the dense, pieces of white clouds burst out of the void, and one flower filled the whole world with a flash, and surrounded Daqian State Temple. Several clouds infiltrated into the temple, and the strange fragrance also penetrated into the temple a little bit, confusing their minds.
"Plain cloud flag! ?”
Seeing that the surrounding edge is full of white clouds, only a few words pop out of my mouth, and my heart is depressed. In the hands of a little big country temple, the whole body Lei Guang flashes and splits them with white clouds.
At the same time, the black lotus monty boy was shocked by the number of black spells, and the black knife mans chopped into a gap, and the pure millstone also boomed.
Three innate Lingbao suddenly hit the plain cloud flag at the same time, and a gap flashed through it.
After flying out of the plain cloud flag, Gao Cai kept shuttling in the virtual space. Although it consumed pure sunlight and thunder water, he was too high to dare to despise the monster in heaven. He was not a monkey, and there were saints behind him who were busy cleaning up the mess.
After a long time of virtual continuous shuttle, Gao came to the ends of the earth. Here, the chaotic atmosphere is exhausted and raging, devouring the materialized chaotic gas. When approaching this chaotic gas, it will be instantly decomposed into chaotic gas and integrated into it.
There are no creatures and no practitioners here. After all, chaotic gas is extremely violent and almost impossible to practice, and it is not for people to learn that a wisp of chaotic gas can collapse a towering mountain.
In particular, the chaotic atmosphere here is not the pure chaotic atmosphere. There are too many impurities here, and almost all the bad luck and resentment of heaven and earth are mixed in it. If one accidentally inhales a little, he will be possessed by the chaotic atmosphere, which makes it a Jedi for all practitioners.
However, there is a singularity in the depths of this chaotic gas, which is attached to the universe but does not belong to the universe, and it is constantly moving in the chaos. If there is no coordinate, it is difficult to find it and it will be trapped in this chaos.
Moreover, this place is full of monsters, monsters and demons, and some people who were exiled in ancient times. Once they were put in by the party, they would never be able to get out and be trapped and die in it without picking up Jin Xian and mastering accurate coordinates.
It can be said that this returning market is an exile world. This world is barren and has no sufficient aura. There are no natural materials and treasures, and there is also this chaotic atmosphere.
Moreover, this world does not belong to the land of reincarnation after the death of the wild. What is finished is a dead Jedi. Although he has mastered the law, Luo Jinxian can get in and out with coordinates, but every time he goes in and out, it will hurt his bones and he will probably fall into it when he has to cultivate for a long time.
In the face of this fierce talent, I am not fully sure what I want to practice until Jin Xiancai dares to start, and I have to cross the sea with the help of the pure sun and thunder sea in the great country, otherwise it will be really helpless.
Even if you are so talented, you should mobilize all the forces in the Great Hall of State to be careful and dare not be careless at all. Fortunately, nowadays, the gods of heaven and earth are paying attention to Buddhism and success, and the feast of flat peaches in heaven can also reduce your attention.
I can also take this opportunity to get into it and avoid some unnecessary troubles.
Sitting in the hands of Gao Cai, the main hall of Daqian State Temple, the pure sunshine thunder and water stirred up and turned into purple Lei Long wrapped around the temple. After carefully studying the coordinates of the return to the market mentioned by the master, he took a shot of Daqian State Temple and jumped into it.
In a loud noise, Daqian State Hall instantly disappeared into the chaotic gas. When it entered the high school, it felt that poverty was oppressing the hall, and the aura and power mixed in the chaotic gas were constantly strangling and crushing Daqian State Hall like a rubber tire.
Let the purple Lei Long around the temple burst one by one, and the number of Falun Gong also broke. The Hanazono Sakura world in the temple shook up. It seems that this kind of power is unbearable. Generally, Gao Cai has to mobilize the power of pure Yang Leihai without measuring the loss. This loss makes the visible speed of thunder water in pure Yang Leihai disappear, which makes Gao Cai feel great pain in his heart. After returning to the market, the method has to rely on this pure Yang Leihai after it is replenished.
But now is not the time to feel bad. We must resist the oppression and strangulation of chaos, otherwise it will not be a matter of wasting thunder water, but a matter of life and death.


Mu Qingzhu stood on a stick in his hand in the ground, and several whiskers protruded from the ground to lock the precious mouse’s limbs.
The treasure-rat-turned-streamer dodged the root-hair blockade and shot at Mu Qingzhu, vowing to make Mu Qingzhu into paste.
For a moment, the bamboo stick in Muqingzhu’s hand grew up, and a bamboo stood in front of him. The treasure mouse didn’t want to smash the bamboo stick directly. Who knew that the treasure mouse was instantly bounced out by the bamboo stick when it bumped into the bamboo.
The real state of the flashing treasure mouse was instantly broken, and the eyes of the calf-sized mouse were dizzy.
"Today met two abnormal I say hello? No matter how bad I am, I can’t hold it. "Treasure Mouse turned to look at the white tiger.
The frozen statue vibrates, the wood is green, the bamboo is clear, the water is clear, and everyone is changing his face. "It’s not good that this fellow should break through."
Road flyover Muqingzhu with clear water wants to stop seeing the treasure mouse once again, and the size of the house is instantly changed towards the road flyover Muqingzhu with clear water. The three monks got into a ball in the presence of the treasure mouse, and the strong one naturally occupied a big bargain. The congenital green bamboo of Muqingzhu is really fierce, but the key is that there are so many strong people. Where can he dare to display his magical powers without fear? What if he is stared at later? After all, Jade Duxiu is a cautionary tale. It is said that Taiping’s ancestor was also interested in the wonderful jade flat peach, and that Mu Qingzhu’s eyes kept self-protection and never dared to display his great magical powers.
Although the clear water road flyover is fierce, it is invincible in the face of the quasi-strong, that is, don’t think about attacking.
The two sides struggled for a quarter of an hour, only to see that the ice splashed all over the world and the Geng Jin gas boiled and rushed to Taiyuan’s ancestor’s blockade and instantly came to the field, eroding every hair and inch of the skin of the white tiger and turning it into a white gold metal statue.
Tiger God smiled gently, and the palm of his hand hung down, and the drum in his hand rose high again.
When the white tiger roars, it is about to show its great power. Seeing the ice spirit in the hands of the clear water road flyover, it instantly falls on the white tiger body.
Roaring to an abrupt end, the white tiger seemed to be caught by the neck duck, and suddenly stopped shouting. A flash of humbled eyes was actually frozen again.
However, I saw that the white tiger’s forehead fell with a piece of hexagonal prism crystal, which exuded a cold horse. Looking at the place where the white tiger passed, the white tiger constantly exerted its strength to shatter the ice, but every time the ice was slightly cracked, it would be instantly suppressed by a cold wave.
"Let’s go"
Road flyover Bishui patted the dancing sea animals and came behind Mu Qingzhu. "I have suppressed the white tiger, and this precious mouse depends on you."
Mu Qingzhu nodded. "No problem, just a rat. Just watch my tricks."
In front of Muqingzhu, the bamboo cane was held in his hand, and a pair of eyes looked at the virtual treasure mouse. "It’s a waste of time, and now the outcome has been won. If I were you, I would retreat."
"You Terrans will rely on magic weapons to have something to do with me." Treasure Mouse disdained.
"Come on, you are no match for these two wonderful flowers. Think of some way to bring the white tiger back." Although the wild game of Fox God’s mouth lost, the white tiger broke through the real body and gained a lot.
Nowadays, the general trend is in the hands of the wild roots, and they don’t care about winning or losing one or two games. The immediate war is just to show their faces to the younger generation in the wild and then carve up some luck opportunities.
It’s like a game for many strong people
When the treasure rat heard that his eyes turned, he took a regretful look at Mu Qingzhu. "If this battlefield was not suppressed too much, things would never be settled so easily today."
"If you have something to do, you will stay. I will tell you that if you are qualified, you will consume essence." Mu Qingzhu has a sharp tongue.
Hearing the click sound, the treasure mouse will crush the earth, and the white tiger and the earth will flee back to the wilderness by pulling it up.
"Ice spirit! It doesn’t matter if you come back and take the white tiger away, but you can’t kidnap the old ice spirit.
The clear water road flyover’s palm stretched out and called back the ice spirit. At this time, the treasure mouse has come to the field with the white tiger.
The tiger god put the drum on and then came to the field, and his fingers broke with a snap of ice.
"Roar ~" Although the white tiger roars upwards, it breaks through the real body, but there is no joy.
"Father God!" The white tiger roared.
"All right, father, knowing that you can break through the white tiger is already a great achievement. This time, the ice spirit of the other side in the battlefield of racial war has occupied a big bargain. You are not an opponent and it is normal. If you find a chance in the outside world, you can kill the other side. What’s so discouraged?" Tiger God didn’t care.
At this time, the bodhi old zu of jade in Dafeng Zhou shifted his eyes from the divination furnace to the wild battlefield, then looked at the jade Duxiu and then looked at the corners of Mu Qingzhu’s mouth twitching. "His mother killed the bodhi old zu in my town, and all the beasts in heaven and earth never met the innate spirit root. Why is this so lucky?"
"Congenital spiritual root?" Sky, whirlwind, Tai Su three people one leng.
"Where is the innate spiritual root?" Shine your eyes in the sky
Whether for ordinary monks or for the strong, innate spiritual roots have always been the more the better, the less things.
"I said that Miao Xiu’s little something is not good. I actually have to go to nudge Mu Qingzhu. I didn’t expect this little one to master a congenital spiritual root." Jade bodhi old zu twitched at the corner of her mouth.
Smell speech they will look at the hands of wood green bamboo innate spirit root a round of the head in the air "not like"